Maggie Jankuloska was born in Ohrid, Macedonia. She has worked as a teacher/tutor in numerous settings. Maggie was one of the recipients of the 2018 Maurice Saxby Creative Writing Program. Her short fiction and non-fiction pieces have appeared in: The Age/Sydney Morning Herald, SBS Voices, Award Winning Australian Writing, n-SCRIBE and more. In 2020 she participated in the Written in the Time of COVID-19 public art display and was featured in the subsequent anthology. The Rat-Catcher’s Apprentice is Maggie Jankuloska’s first published novel.
Maggie has a passion for writing historical fiction and is currently working on a new children’s novel. She is interested in creating layered and realistic characters who overcome obstacles and impart a message of resilience, tolerance and empathy. Maggie Jankuloska lives in the northern suburbs of Melbourne with her husband and son. To connect, find Maggie’s author pages on social media.