The Lanternist

The Lanternist
The Lanternist
by Stephen Orr, illustrated by Timothy Ide

PB 400 | 198 x 128 | ISBN: 9781925227840 | $19.99
YA Fiction | Also available as ebook
MidnightSun Publishing | July 2021
Distributed by NewSouth Books

1901. The slide clunks into the lantern, and Phantoms come alive on the wall. The father-and-son Magic Lantern team of Bert and Tom Eliot are masters of The Art of the Story. The only problem is that they are missing a wife and mother. Then one morning eleven-year-old Tom wakes to find his father missing, too. Continue reading The Lanternist

Stephen Orr

Stephen Orr
Stephen Orr
Stephen Orr has published eight novels, a book of short stories, as well as essays, columns and other scribblings. Thankfully, he has never written a poem, ever. He has taught Science and English in Queensland, Victoria and South Australia and, to be honest, has learnt more in schools than he’s taught (especially how to get pen refills to stick into ceiling tiles). He’s come second (or third or fourth) in many awards and competitions, so now believes that winning is overrated (although his vegetable soup did help the 1st Hillcrest Scouts win the 1979 Cohen Cup for best bush cooks!).

The Colour of Music

The Colour of Music cover
The Colour of Music cover
Written by Lisa Tiffen, illustrated by Matt Ottley

HB 32 | 210 x 297 | ISBN: 9781925227871
$29.99 | Picture book
June 2021 | MidnightSun Publishing
Distributed by NewSouth Books

Molly can see the music. Colours flash brilliantly as she listens. The music takes her on a journey into places filled with colour, revealing connections between music, emotions, and the world we live in. Continue reading The Colour of Music

Matt Ottley

Matt Ottley
Matt Ottley
Matt Ottley is an award-winning multi-modal artist, working equally across the fields of literature, visual arts and music. Matt has had 37 picture books published and his work also appears in more than thirty nonfiction books.

His awards include the CBCA Picture Book of the Year and both the Queensland & NSW Premier’s Awards for literature. His international awards include Ibby Honour Book for Australia and a White Ravens listing, Bologna. He has recorded his music with the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra and the Czech Philharmonic Choir.

Lisa Tiffen

Lisa Tiffen
Lisa Tiffen
Lisa Tiffen is a children’s picture book author, illustrator and composer. She has previously published a family of four quirky books; Grumps, Lovelies, Sorrows and Frights.

A piano teacher for many years, Lisa has recently commenced writing orchestral music to accompany her books. Being able to combine her love of music, art and writing makes her heart sing.