Welcome back to a fresh new year!
MidnightSun has plenty of exciting things planned for 2013, but none more exciting than the publication of our next novel Peace, Love and Khaki Socks in time for Mother’s Day in May. Set in Darwin during cyclone season, this heartfelt novel gets under the skin of the army culture to the heart of how life can turn out for a young woman finding herself pregnant and unsure of how to handle it. With quirky dialogue and acute observations, Peace, Love and Khaki Socks will be guaranteed to draw you in from the first page.

One sultry October morning in Darwin, hemp-wearing army wife Amy Silva grips a trembling fist around two pink lines on a plastic stick. Struggling to come to terms with her rampant fertility, disillusioned with a haughty obstetrician, and infuriated by an inordinate amount of peeing, Amy finds solace in a decision to homebirth. After all, it worked for the cavewomen, right? But as a tropical cyclone threatens to whip down the main street, Amy finds herself facing more than biology.
Peace, Love and Khaki Socks explores what it is to be a woman, an expectant mother, a lover and a friend in a patriarchy. Sometimes horrifying, sometimes hilarious and always honest, this unforgettable story is one woman’s struggle to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.
The book will be launched by Heather Taylor Johnson at the SA Writers’ Centre in Adelaide on Friday 26 April 2013, from 7pm. All welcome, but please RSVP to Anna at editor[@]midnightsunpublishing.com for catering purposes. It will be a night to remember so don’t miss it!
Peace, Love and Khaki Socks will be available in good bookshops from early May 2013. It’s a perfect Mother’s Day present for someone you care about, be it your own mother or a friend who is expecting her first baby, and make sure to grab yourself a copy too.
Sounds like a fantastic book!
Thank you, Angie! We think it’s amazing. Hope you enjoy it too.