Category Archives: Appearances

Patrick Allington’s launch speech for We. Are. Family.

Patrick Allington
Patrick Allington

Patrick Allington launched Paul Mitchell’s We. Are. Family. with a terrific speech in Adelaide on Friday 9 September 2016. Several people have asked for the speech, so here it is, in all its glory:

What can I tell you about Paul Mitchell’s We. Are. Family? … What I won’t do is introduce the characters or give you a detailed account of the plot. You should experience those things for yourself. The story unfolds less like a flower opening (despite the arresting cover image) and more like the pulling of sticks, one at a time, from a great pile of wood. And when you read this book, Continue reading Patrick Allington’s launch speech for We. Are. Family.

Bologna and London Book Fairs


In April 2016, writer Cameron Raynes and I set out on an epic adventure tour in Europe. We had planned to visit Bologna in Italy to attend the children’s book fair there and London in the UK to visit their book fair. It was a very productive trip with lots of meetings, both with new contacts and with old friends such as the Venezuelan publisher Ekaré, who are publishing the Spanish translation of Jane Jolly and Sally Heinrich’s One Step at a Time. Continue reading Bologna and London Book Fairs

Amanda Hickie at Newtown Festival

You have a great opportunity to catch Amanda Hickie at the Newtown Festival on Sunday 8 November 2015, 12.40pm at Camperdown Memorial Rest Park.

Amanda Hickie
Amanda Hickie

Four talented Australian fiction novelists come together to for the Fictional Sydney panel focusing on how each represents Sydney in their work. Creator of Offspring, Debra Oswald’s novel Useful is a smart, moving and wry portrait of one man’s desire to give something of himself. Tegan Bennett Daylight’s short story collection Six Bedrooms is about growing up; about discovering sex; and about coming of age. Sandra Leigh-Price’s The Bird Child is set right here in Newtown in 1929 and is a novel of magic, birds, lost letters and love. Continue reading Amanda Hickie at Newtown Festival

Catching up…

Although it may look like we haven’t done much the last few months, MidnightSun has actually been hard at work behind the scenes reading manuscripts and deciding on what to publish next year. We have submitted The Hum of Concrete to the Most Underrated Book Award. Both Kim and Anna have had speaking engagements. We have sponsored the Langhorne Creek Writers’ Festival. More about all of these exciting news in due course…

What is happening right now is this: Anna Solding is currently in Sydney and will head to Canberra tomorrow to participate in two events. One is organised by the ACT Writers’ Centre and one by Small Press Network, and both are facilitated by brilliant Charlotte Harper at Editia. The events take place at Gorman House, Wednesday 23 October, at 6pm and 7 for 7.30pm respectively. If you happen to be in Canberra, please come along and say hello.

Book signing at Dillons Bookshop

The weather gods indulged us for this book signing, so being outside chatting with people was a real pleasure. Kim, true to form, was all smiles. And after seeing the book both on the counter and in the new releases section, who could blame her?