PB 368 | 198 x 128 | ISBN: 9781925227741
$19.99 | Young Adult | Also available as ebook
MidnightSun Publishing | November 2020
Distributed by NewSouth Books
The second book in The Burning Days series
The River People and the Mountain People have survived for another season. But at what cost? Pandora has returned to her village. She is haunted both by her failure to bring her friend home and the vision she has seen of the last days, The Burning, when creatures swarmed the city. How did these monsters come into being in the first place? And are the last remnants of humanity really safe from them?
Whilst Pan now knows how to shoot an arrow, she still does not know the shape of her own heart and the river stone remains in pieces …
‘River Stone is a cut above … I’m sure I won’t be alone in eagerly anticipating the next installment in this stellar new series.’
--The Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Reading Time
‘... a gripping Young Adult dystopia with a unique flavour, filling the genre’s bones with its vibrant characters, relentless storytelling and a phenomenal world.’
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