Allen C. Jones is an award-winning writer from California. He received an MFA in poetry from the University of New Mexico and a PhD in English from University of Louisiana. He has lived and taught in Spain, Mexico, Korea & China, and presently serves as associate professor of literature and culture at the University of Stavanger, Norway. His scholarly work investigates experimental writing and literary game pedagogy.
His debut novel Her Death Was Also Water came out in 2022 with MidnightSun Publishing, and his debut book of poetry, Son of a Cult, is out in 2023 with Kelsay Books, USA. His writing appears widely in print and online. Find links to it here: allencjones.com. Follow him on social media: allencjones_theauthor
Allen’s short story collection, Big, Weird, Lonely Hearts, was published by MidnightSun Publishing in November 2023.