27 August 2012
There is a lot happening around the MidnightSun headquarters. Anna Solding was interviewed by Cath Kenneally at Radio Adelaide’s Arts Breakfast on Saturday 18 August and Zanesh Catkin was interviewed on the same program a week later, on Saturday 25 August.
You can listen to Anna’s interview here.
Zanesh’s interview will soon be available.
Zanesh was also interviewed by Tim Brunero on his Radio Adelaide breakfast show on Thursday 23 August. Listen to what he had to say here.
24 August 2012
Pangamonium by Zanesh Catkin has had another rave review, this time in Adelaide’s independent InDaily. There was even a teaser on the front page. How could you go past a book that is:
‘Quirky, thought-provoking and completely different from anything else currently on the market, Pangamonium is highly recommended.’ – Samantha Bond, InDaily
18 August 2012
Pangamonium is attracting attention in blogger world. Here is the first positive and well articulated review: http://thischarmingmum.com/2012/08/18/review-pangamonium-by-zanesh-catkin/ Congratulations to Zanesh!
14 August 2012
The first review of Pangamonium appeared in The Age on Saturday 11 August and it’s a fine one. Congratulations to Zanesh! Hopefully, there will be many more to come.
The Saturday Age review
11 August 2012
Life & Style page 33
FRANCIS Germaine turns up in the fictitious country of Panga, somewhere in a kind of patchwork Identikit of every Asian country, and at the customs desk finds his suitcase has been mixed up with someone else’s.
The upshot of the confusion lands him in jail, accompanied by a black guy called Easter who has come to Panga to find the treasure apparently buried under his grandfather’s grave. Germaine is the less exalted kind of freelance writer – trade mags, company reports – and he thinks this new development will give him the adventures he needs to boost his pride and his bank account.
In the offing are Marman Granthi, a factory owner whose workers are young and unfree and make cheap stuff for rich whities, his Bollywood-obsessed gatekeeper Daied, and Amila the quietly feisty librarian.
Zanesh Catkin (can that be his real name?) has some good satirical ideas about Panga, but the writing itself can be a little sketchy. The humour is a bit of a hit-and-miss affair as well. But he’s come up with a winning creation in Easter, with his quest and mildly deranged airs; there are clever spoof articles that Germaine has written for magazines ranging from Kids Life Digest to Repressive States Quarterly Lit Review, and the action is sharply paced. Things seem to get a little sticky towards the end, though, when Germaine finds his redemption, but Catkin gives it an impressively peculiar flourish: Germaine’s last article is called “Magic tits or male lactation?”‘
7 April 2012
Looks like Adelaide loves The Hum of Concrete too! Read the lovely review in The Advertiser on Saturday 7 April 2012. Life doesn’t get much better than this for a new publisher! Well, if it all translates into sales…

24 March 2012
The positive reviews keep coming in and we can’t stop smiling. This weekend, Saturday 24 March 2012, The Hum of Concrete was praised in The Canberra Times.

17 March 2012
On Saturday 17 March 2012, MidnightSun Publishing and The Hum of Concrete was discussed in the Sydney Morning Herald. It’s great to feel that there is plenty of support out there for us as a fresh new publisher.

10 March 2012
The Hum of Concrete was favorably reviewed in the Saturday Age on 10 March 2012. It is so wonderful to see that reviewers are enjoying Anna Solding’s enchanting first novel.

MidnightSun has already had a fair amount of media attention thanks to our great publicist, John Harris of Impress Media.
2 February 2012
On 2 February 2012, founder Anna Solding appeared on page three of Adelaide newspaper The Advertiser with Internode’s Simon Hackett, who was about to launch the company, and co-founder Ross Williams.