Michael PrewerMichael Prewer has been writing plays and stories and developing board games for as long as he can remember. R.E.Generation is his debut novel, but he already has a number of others in the works. Michael holds a Bachelor of Science (majoring in Anatomy) and a Masters of Speech Pathology. He has worked as a paediatric speech pathologist for over 5 years. Michael and his wife are passionate about taking small steps to minimise the impact humans leave on our wonderful planet. Michael also has a keen interest in theatre, sports, mathematics, puzzles and snorkelling. He lives on the outskirts of Melbourne with his wife, Georgie, and their young daughter.
One thought on “Michael Prewer”
Thank you Midnight Sun for helping this unforgettable book see the light of day. I am sharing my review as follows as far and wide as humanly possible. Thank you again for bringing this book and author into the public literary world.
Wow. There are almost no other words for this book, though let me try. Michael J Prewer does something in his debut novel that no one has done in quite the same way before. His evocative writing draws the reader in to become deeply invested in the story’s characters, whilst at the same time painting a thought evoking, heart wrenching, and all too plausible picture of Earth’s not-too-distant – as well as the very distant – future. This book is of the same calibre and hits the same spots as Margaret Atwood’s award-winning fiction novel, “The Testaments”, with a similar mix of horror and devastation pierced only by just the right amount of humour and hope. This is book is a wise choice at an airport bookstore, as you will be nothing short of riveted in Prewer’s fantastical yet also very real world for the duration of your long haul flight. Gripping, powerful, and unforgettable, this book will occupy my thoughts for a long time to come.
Thank you Midnight Sun for helping this unforgettable book see the light of day. I am sharing my review as follows as far and wide as humanly possible. Thank you again for bringing this book and author into the public literary world.
Wow. There are almost no other words for this book, though let me try. Michael J Prewer does something in his debut novel that no one has done in quite the same way before. His evocative writing draws the reader in to become deeply invested in the story’s characters, whilst at the same time painting a thought evoking, heart wrenching, and all too plausible picture of Earth’s not-too-distant – as well as the very distant – future. This book is of the same calibre and hits the same spots as Margaret Atwood’s award-winning fiction novel, “The Testaments”, with a similar mix of horror and devastation pierced only by just the right amount of humour and hope. This is book is a wise choice at an airport bookstore, as you will be nothing short of riveted in Prewer’s fantastical yet also very real world for the duration of your long haul flight. Gripping, powerful, and unforgettable, this book will occupy my thoughts for a long time to come.