If you are interested in catching up with our authors Amanda Hickie, Jane Jolly, Sally Heinrich, Kim Lock, Lynette Washington, Anna Solding, Zanesh Catkin or Kristin Weidenbach this is where you can find them:
Where we were in 2013
October 2013
Wednesday 23 October 2013. Anna Solding will be speaking at Gorman House in Canberra. ACT Writers’ Centre is kindly hosting an event at 6pm and Small Press Network and Editia is organising another, which includes pizza, at 7 for 7.30pm.
February 2013
Friday 8 February 2013 from 7pm. Meet the Author session with Anna Solding at Strathalbyn library in Strathalbyn, SA. Free for all. Books will be available for purchase.
March 2013
Friday 22 March 2013 from 7pm. Meet the Author session with Zanesh Catkin at Strathalbyn library in Strathalbyn, SA. Free for all. Books will be available for purchase. *This event was postponed.*
April 2013
Anna Solding and Kim Lock will be at the launch of Kim Lock’s novel Peace, Love and Khaki Socks at the SA Writers’ Centre in Adelaide on Friday 26 April 2013 from 7pm until late. Free nibbles and drinks for all. Please RSVP to editor [@] midnightsunpublishing.com

May 2013
Friday 3 May 2013 from 7pm. Meet the Author session with Kim Lock at Strathalbyn library in Strathalbyn, SA. Free for all. Yummy nibbles will be provided. Books will be available for purchase. *Please note. This event has been postponed until Saturday 7 September, 11am at Goolwa library. Join us then.*
Saturday 4 May 2013 from 12noon. Kim Lock will be signing books at Dillons Norwood Bookshop, 162-166 The Parade, Norwood SA. Come along to have a chat with Kim.
Friday 10 May 2013 from 5.30pm. Book launch of Peace, Love and Khaki Socks in Darwin City Library, Harry Chan Avenue. Our biggest event in Darwin. Don’t miss it! Please register here.
Saturday 11 May 2013 at 9am. Mother’s Day Morning Tea with Kim Lock at the Childbirth Education Association in Darwin.

Sunday 12 May 2013, 5pm. Join Anna Solding, Kim Lock and other talented writers for a festive Mother’s Day Reading on the lawns outside the Northern Territory Writers’ Centre in Darwin.
Friday 24 May 2013 from 11am. Book signing by Kim Lock at The Raven’s Parlour Bookstore in Tanunda. Shop 1/66 Murray Street, Tanunda SA. If Adelaide is too far away, this is your chance to visit this gorgeous bookshop and meet Kim in person in her local area.
June 2013
Saturday 1 June 2013, 3-4pm. Anna Solding and Kim Lock will be talking at the Emerging Writers’ Festival in Melbourne about their experiences with small publishing.
July 2013
Sunday 7 July 2013. Kim Lock has been invited to speak at the library in Mt Gambier.
August 2013
Tuesday 27 August 2013. Anna Solding has been invited to share stories of her life as a writer and publisher as well as discuss her novel The Hum of Concrete at the University of Adelaide Women’s Professional Development Network.
September 2013
Saturday 7 September 2013, 11am. Kim will be speaking at Goolwa Library. Free event, all welcome! Nibbles will be provided and books will be available for sale.
Saturday 21 September 2013. MidnightSun is sponsoring Langhorne Creek Writers’ Festival and we’ll be there talking to readers and selling books.
Where we were in 2012
Wednesday 20 June 2012 from 6.30pm. Meet the Author session with Anna Solding at Mostly Books in Mitcham, Adelaide. Free for all.
Tuesday 3 July 2012 from 7.30pm. Lee Marvin reading by Anna Solding as well as three other writers at Dark Horsey Bookshop, EAF, Adelaide. $5, includes reading and drinks.
Friday 20 July 2012 from 7pm. Launch of Zanesh Catkin’s novel Pangamonium at the SA Writers’ Centre, Adelaide. Everyone most welcome for a great night! Drinks and nibbles provided. Please RSVP to Anna by 18 July 2012 via the Contact Us page.
Tuesday 24 July 2012 from 7.30pm. Lee Marvin reading by Zanesh Catkin, as well as three other writers at Dark Horsey Bookshop, EAF, Adelaide. $5, includes reading and drinks.
Saturday 25 August 2012 from 1.15pm. Anna Solding will be on a panel with Sean Williams, Kerryn Goldsworthy and Connor O’Brien about the future of publishing at the Salisbury Writers’ Festival.
Sunday 26 August 2012 from 10am. Anna Solding will hold a workshop about how to find your characters and pin them down on the page. The program for the Salisbury Writers’ Festival is out now: http://www.salisbury.sa.gov.au/Our_City/Events/Salisbury_Writers_Festival
Thursday 30 August 2012, 6.30pm. Meet-the-Author session with Anna Solding at Readings, St Kilda in Melbourne. Come for an hour to have some wine, listen to a reading and ask tricky questions of the poor author. https://www.readings.com.au/event/anna-solding All welcome! *This event has been postponed*
Saturday 1 September 2012, 2.30pm. Anna Solding’s novel The Hum of Concrete and Zanesh Catkin’s novel
Pangamonium will be launched at Melbourne Writers’ Festival. All welcome!
Friday 21 September 2012, 3pm. Anna Solding will present a seminar at The University of Adelaide about the hard road to publication. Napier 618. Public welcome!
Thursday 18 October 2012, 12noon, Writers and their Worlds at Flinders University, will host Anna Solding. Noel Stockdale Room, Central Library. Public welcome!
Sunday 18 November 2012, 3.30pm. Zanesh Catkin and Anna Solding will lounging around at the Feast CommUNITY Weekend, LightSquare, Adelaide, talking about the queer aspects of their writing.