Book Launch!
We are delighted to announce that our second novel is on its way. On Friday 20th July 2012, MidnightSun Publishing will launch Pangamonium by Zanesh Catkin. It’s a witty romp with its heart set firmly on its sleeve.
Zanesh is already hard at work tweeting about everything and anything @ZaneshCatkin if you are that way inclined. You can also read more about him and the book on his website: zaneshcatkin.com or his Facebook page.
Well-respected writer and critic Patrick Allington will launch Pangamonium at the SA Writers’ Centre in Adelaide on Friday 20th July at 7pm. There might just be a drop of wine for dry throats and a nibble to go with it. Everyone’s welcome so we hope to see you then. Please RSVP to Anna via the Contact Us page by Wednesday 18 July for catering purposes.