One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time
One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time is a story about a boy, a baby elephant and a landmine.

by Jane Jolly and Sally Heinrich

32 pages |300 x 250 hardback | ISBN 978-0-9873809-5-1 | $ 27.99
| Fiction | MidnightSun Publishing | March 2015

One Step at a Time is an exquisite picture book which tells the touching story about the relationship between a young boy, Luk, and his elephant, Mali. One day on the border of Continue reading One Step at a Time

Introducing Rock Star

Rock Star cover
Rock Star cover
MidnightSun has been lucky enough to secure the ebook publication of Kristin Weidenbach’s fascinating and entertaining book Rock Star. The story of Reg Sprigg – an outback legend. It was first published in paperback in 2008 by East Street Publications but has not previously been published as an ebook. You can now buy it as an ebook from MidnightSun in EPUB format here and as a Mobi (Kindle) file here.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we asked Kristin to answer a few questions Continue reading Introducing Rock Star